
Tostrud Law Group and co-counsel receive Preliminary Approval of $92.5 mm telephone tax case

Tostrud Law Group and co-counsel receive Preliminary Approval of $92.5 mm telephone tax case against the City of Los Angeles. You may read about the settlement here.

Las Vegas Review Journal Writes Article About UMC Case

Las Vegas Review Journal writes article about public right to know and Judge Leen’s comments on the waste of public funds. You may read the article here.

Judge in UMC Case Denies Motion to Seal

On March 18, 2015, United States Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen denied UMC’s Motion to Seal documents.

You may read the order HERE.

Las Vegas Sun reports on UMC case

On Friday August 22, 2014, the Las Vegas Sun reported on the UMC case and special master Garrie’s report. You may read the article HERE.

Federal Report: UMC destroyed evidence ~ Las Vegas Review Journal

On Friday August 22, 2014, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported on the UMC case and the special master’s report. You may read the article HERE.